Sayonara Piano Sonata Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Sayonara Piano Sonata novel. A total of 55 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 55 : As I climbed up the slope located in-between the fields, the scent of gra.s.s was becom
As I climbed up the slope located in-between the fields, the scent of gra.s.s was becoming stronger and stronger. The rays of the sun were seeping into the ground, and I could hear the sound of the waves coming from a place far behind me.
The path became
- 55 As I climbed up the slope located in-between the fields, the scent of gra.s.s was becoming stronger and stronger. The rays of the sun were seeping into the ground, and I could hear the sound of the waves coming from a place far behind me. The path became
- 54 When I opened the door leading to the roof, the shy noon rays of March blinded me slightly.Normally at this time, youd hear things like the trumpets or trombones of the orchestra, girls chattering as they opened their bentos in the courtyard, or guys cha
- 53 In the end, I had to borrow Tomos shoulders just to walk back to the preparation room. On the other hand, Chiaki and Senpai, despite being all wobbly, both managed to make their way back with just the a.s.sistance of the walls. Thats really pathetic of me
- 52 When I woke up, I found myself being embraced by a pair of slender arms wrapping around me from my back to my chest. What's going on here? When I turned my body around under the blanket, the tip of my nose came into contact with soft, silky hair. Rig
- 51 We were still arguing about our stage costumes the day before our performance."See, thats the last one. I win."Kagurazaka-senpai prodded Chiakis nose as she drew the last fry from the box."Why do you sound like you think its a given that yo
- 50 "Nao, hey Nao! I'm going out soon, so fix me my breakfast!" The rattling of my shoulders forced me to slowly open my eyes. It was as if my body was stuck to the bed sheets—I could feel my skin tearing apart when I twisted my neck. I fixed m
- 49 That night, when I was sitting by myself on my bed in the dark, hugging my knees, I heard a tapping sound on the other side of my drawn curtains. Someone was knocking on my window. "...... Chiaki?" I curled myself up. For a brief moment, I thoug
- 48 Burying my body into the seat of the train, I traveled the entire Yamanote line, which I had taken by mistake, twice, before finally transferring onto the correct line to return home.As I was walking out of the station, I grabbed my cellphone to check the
- 47 Yuri called me on Mafuyus second day of absence from school. It was lunch break then. When I saw the name of the caller on the phone, I jumped out of my seat, attracting stares from my cla.s.smates, then dashed out of the room and into the corridor."
- 46 Chapter 9 I returned home at about eight at night; and when I opened the front door, I was immediately greeted by an earthshaking by Chopin, coming from the depths of the dark corridor, and Tetsurou's weird singing. "Meat, meat, veggies! Meat,
- 45 Before my eyes stood a large gate with spikes, several conifers, and tall metal railings that stretched to the sides. A large and elegant mansion, surrounded by a courtyard full of flowerbeds, stood deep inside the gated area.I checked the time on my hand
- 44 Tetsurou wasn't around when I returned home. When I entered the house, it felt much colder indoors than outside, so I put on a duffel coat before s.p.a.cing out on the sofa in the living room for a while. When my head finally cooled itself off, I tho
- 43 I ended up turning to Tetsurou for a.s.sistance in my search for Mafuyu's present. "? Don't we have one in the storeroom? You're in charge of the rock music, so search through it properly." It was after dinner, and Tetsurou was ly
- 42 "Stop!" Yelled Chiaki from behind the drums, as she lifted her hands while firmly gripping her drumsticks. I stopped my fingers from strumming the strings and wiped the sweat off my forehead. Senpai and Mafuyu pressed the neck of their guitars w
- 41 That was the fifth time I had seen that car. After walking past the turn, I was standing in a position where I could see the garage of my house. One look and I knew immediately what was going on—because that was the fifth time already. The sun was already
- 40 Before returning home, I briefly attended the celebration party to casually ask Tomo about the price of the tickets for the Christmas concert. Four thousand yen each. That's expensive—about the cost of a professional concert. Tomo explained, "Ca
- 39 Chapter 2 "So, how are things going between you and Mafuyu right now?" Yuri raised his voice in an attempt to make himself audible over the noise of the crowded live house. Despite the fact that we were in the middle of a break, it was still pre
- 38 Chapter 1 That winter was the very first time in my life I had racked my brain over what present I should get for a girl. It was morning in the practice room of the Folk Music Research Club. Even though only Chiaki and I were inside, there was barely any
- 37 Three weeks pa.s.sed by in a flash. Preparations for the school festival were in their final stages, and a tense atmosphere permeated the school, like muscle pains permeating the body after an intensive exercise. It even felt like the temperature had rise
- 36 There were quite a few picture frames ill.u.s.trated on the jacket sleeve of the alb.u.m. The three most prominent frames were t.i.tled , and —but all three of them were empty. An additional frame in the bottom left, however, encased the t.i.tle of the a
- 35 As I mentioned before, our school had a large music hall that was capable of accommodating more than a thousand people. The size of the music hall was huge; and sometimes, bands from town would even use the music hall as a venue for their concerts. It was
- 34 After a brief intermission, the performance resumed with the third piece of the night—. is the longest symphony Tchaikovsky composed; and while the length of the piece might differ depending on the conductor, it typically lasts about an hour. The first m
- 33 Come to think of it, my father Tetsurou used to give me stuff all the time, though I was rarely ever happy about the things I received. Tetsurou was a music critic, and that strange occupation of his meant he received endless amounts of CDs, books and mag
- 32 By pure chance, I had stumbled upon the words carved into the body of the guitar.I had handled Mafuyus Stratocaster once before, but hadnt noticed the words back then. That was because the words were carved on the inside of the body and werent visible unl
- 31 I remembered Hiros.h.i.+ had once talked about how he sometimes swapped roles with Furukawa, to form a joke band focused on laughing at how bad the other was. But after hearing them in person from the resting area, I couldn't help but tsukkomi them i
- 30 I don't know why— kiss it goodbye— As though Senpai's melodious voice had been sucked into darkness, all that was left were the sounds of the guitars constantly streaming out. One of the guitars sketched out the finale of the song, while the mel
- 29 The live house we were supposed to perform at was located in a neighboring city, and stood in the center of a quiet residential area.If I had taken the train there, I wouldve had to transfer lines and travel for quite some distance—so I decided to just ri
- 28 The following Monday, Chiaki and I had agreed to meet up at the train station before heading off to school together. During the holidays, some of the teachers on duty wouldnt be at school that early in the morning, so it was possible we wouldnt be able to
- 27 It was almost ten the following day, and Mafuyu was still in her bedroom. "It seems like she's already awake. I just heard the sounds of her changing." Senpai said that in a depressed manner. Hey, there's another room between yours and
- 26 I woke up to the sounds of the piano. I could clearly see the grain of the tall wooden ceiling, but for a brief moment, I wasn't sure where I was. I tried to sit up, but I nearly fell off the sofa instead. The blankets were on the floor—perhaps I kic
- 25 I was packing my luggage in front of the fan, my body drenched in sweat, when I received a phone call. "Nao, which is better—blue or purple?" Chiaki threw that random question at me all of a sudden. Through the phone, I could hear music from pl
- 24 Chapter 4 Every morning, Chiaki never failed to arrive in cla.s.s just barely on time. It wasn't because she overslept or had poor time management though; rather, it was because she always continued practicing on the drums in our club room even after
- 23 It was said that Kagurazaka Kyouko had been in three different bands before she even reached the age of sixteen. The first band was formed with her fellow club members during her first year of middle school. The ba.s.sist was a guy who planned to play thr
- 22 The next morning, Mafuyu reached the cla.s.sroom slightly later than me. The expression on her face seemed slightly complicated. After stealing a glance at me, she sat down at her seat and fixed her gaze on her table. "Nao. Nao." Cla.s.s-rep Ter
- 21 "How do I p.r.o.nounce your name?" On a certain Monday after school, at the end of the semester, Mafuyu asked me that question. Soon after, the door of the cla.s.sroom opened, revealing the school's courtyard right outside. The cries of the
- 20 The June without Mafuyu was about to be over. The unique characteristic of my cla.s.smates in the Third Cla.s.s of First Year, was that their interest in things typically didn't last very long. Even so, there were still some people who came to me asking
- 19 I was awoken by the blinding rays s.h.i.+ning in my eyes. Despite wanting to wake up, my whole body was sore. From my neck to my spine, and my waist to my flank—every part was aching. I forcibly swallowed the moan that was about to slip out of my mouth. I
- 18 The slow, wobbly train we took to the beach was the last train of the day, which meant we wouldn't be able to return home that night. As we walked along the wrinkled roads, which appeared similar to the skin of old people, a gush of wind breezed past us;
- 17 After searching through the district office, the library, and the works progress administration office at the cultural center, we only managed to find three operators with addresses similar to that of a company. That wasn't a surprise though, as it seeme
- 16 We waited until dawn before taking the first train. Despite being morning, the sky was still grey, and looked as if it was about to rain."Hey, you should be going to school, right?"Mafuyu asked while we were sitting in the wobbling train."Skipping it.
- 15 Chapter 15When I woke up, I found myself being embraced by a pair of slender arms wrapping around me from my back to my chest. What's going on here? When I turned my body around under the blanket, the tip of my nose came into contact with soft, silky hai
- 14 Chapter 14We were still arguing about our stage costumes the day before our performance."See, that's the last one. I win."Kagurazaka-senpai prodded Chiaki's nose as she drew the last fry from the box."Why do you sound like you think it's a given tha
- 13 The skies, on the last Friday of May, were filled with dark clouds. I couldn't fall asleep, so I headed to school early in the morning. As soon as I entered the cla.s.sroom, I was immediately surrounded by my cla.s.smates. "I heard you're gonna have a
- 12 Chapter 12That night, when I was sitting by myself on my bed in the dark, hugging my knees, I heard a tapping sound on the other side of my drawn curtains. Someone was knocking on my window. "...... Chiaki?" I curled myself up. For a brief moment, I tho
- 11 Three days later, in the evening, Chiaki brought the scores to my house. "Why haven't you come to the roof in the past few days? You went home right after school today too! Senpai's really worried about you!" As usual, the uniformed Chiaki climbed the
- 10 Later that night, after eating dinner by myself, I started practicing my ba.s.s. While practicing, I heard a loud sound of avalanching items come from the direction of the main door. "Oohhh...... It's the ultimate bliss to die while buried under
- 9 "If Ebisawa dislikes the guitar, why does she still play it?" Chiaki had plugged her portable music player into a set of mini-speakers, and was listening to the sarabande of . She asked that question as she tapped her fingers on her knees, rappi
- 8 I grabbed my ba.s.s and escaped from the cla.s.sroom immediately after school, heading straight towards the roof. Once I got there, I saw a girl in her uniform sitting on the wired fence, looking towards the sky. Her hair was caressed by the winds, and sh
- 7 Compared to the electric guitar, an obvious advantage of the electric ba.s.s is that, unless its plugged into an electrical source, it can barely be heard.I bought the ba.s.s under Kagurazaka-senpais persuasions and brought it to cla.s.s the very next day
- 6 "So you're saying you b.u.mped into Kagurazaka-senpai?" The following morning, in the cla.s.sroom, Chiaki asked me that question as she stared at my face. "Oh, yeah," I replied in an annoyed tone, "Though I think it was more
- 5 To be honest, I hadn't told Mafuyu something—there was a major problem with that cla.s.sroom: the gaps around the door. The soundproofing in the cla.s.sroom wasn't perfect, so sound still leaked out of the room; and because of that, a rumor abou
- 4 Chapter 4That was the fifth time I had seen that car. After walking past the turn, I was standing in a position where I could see the garage of my house. One look and I knew immediately what was going on—because that was the fifth time already. The sun wa
- 3 During early morning homeroom, when our teacher—nicknamed Retiree (because he looked like Mito Koumon)—brought that girl into the cla.s.sroom, the atmosphere of the cla.s.s instantly froze. At the time, I was snoozing while listening to my discman, so I d
- 2 Theres a sort of relations.h.i.+p in this world thats a bit unsavory, and that was the type of relations.h.i.+p that Aihara Chiaki and I shared. Since our houses were located close to each other, it was only natural for us to attend the same elementary sc
- 1 With the windows of the train pushed up just about five centimeters, the smell of the sea was already slowly drifting in. It was a Sunday afternoon, and there were no other pa.s.sengers aboard the train aside from me. There would be a lot of visitors head