Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa novel. A total of 38 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 38 : Epilogue
Since then.
Four years have pa.s.sed by.
The days since that one when our figh
Since then.
Four years have pa.s.sed by.
The days since that one when our fight with Luka-san ended have pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye.
Saying it like this may reek of an old man, but… They often say that time waits for no one and that the time
- 38 Epilogue Since then. Four years have pa.s.sed by. The days since that one when our fight with Luka-san ended have pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye. Saying it like this may reek of an old man, but… They often say that time waits for no one and that the time
- 37 Chapter 4: Prelude to destruction That was a desperate scene certainly suitable to be described as the end of the world. … The sky was black. Pitch black. Looking really closely, one could notice that the true ident.i.ty of the thing that blackened the sk
- 36 Chapter 3: Miss Monster girl contest Thereafter. Having totally finished all of the curriculum of the monster tamer training camp, we, with nothing else to do, engaged in inconsequential things like playing with the UNO that Kyouko had brought while we wa
- 35 Chapter 2: Monster tamer's training camp Meh, let’s skip all that yadda-yadda. It’s been decided that we’ll be entering an open training camp for monster tamers. What in the world are the details to end with such a crazy development? For now, let’s g
- 34 Chapter 1: The secret of the Kusumi household Let’s start from the results. He who once brought the human world’s culture to the Netherworld, regarded by many as a human lover, the 47th Maou—Cruel. It seems that my dad was the one once addressed as the Ne
- 33 Prologue When there was just a week left of summer vacation. Our long trip through the Netherworld finished…. And we returned at last to the human world. Nevertheless. Properly speaking, despite the fact that it wouldn’t be weird that our spirits reached
- 32 Epilogue: A step to the beyond After that. Around two weeks have pa.s.sed since the first and probably last incident where the ghouls in town were turned into zombies. What do I say?… As I’ve been here at the Netherworld for a long time, I’ve lost my sens
- 31 Chapter 6: The Tamer of the Spirits “… So this means the victor of the 45th ‘hundredth deaths course’ is the dark horse that came from the human world… The contestant Kusumi Manami. Congratulations.” “…” The contest’s results, whatever… Sure enough, Manam
- 30 Chapter 5: Survival race on the snowy mountain Three days after arriving to the undead tribe’s lands. At last the day has come. It’s the day the hundred deaths course is held on. On the huge three thousands meters tall snowy mountain that had become the r
- 29 Chapter 4: Onsen! Finished with the greetings at the palace, by Zonmi’s suggestion, we went to visit the castle’s royal villa. The survival race pa.s.sed down among the ghoul clan… The hundred deaths course was scheduled to be held three days from now. Fo
- 28 Chapter 3: Audience with the king of ghouls After another 20 minutes or so of riding in the car, we arrived at last to our destined place, the king of ghouls castle (Zonmi’s parents’ home). ‘I’m very sorry. Since from here on I have to greet the members o
- 27 Chapter 2: Sisters “Chiharu… Wake up… Chiharu…” My body was slowly swaying. It’s being shaken. “Mmuah, Zonmi…?” “You shouldn’t be napping. We’ll soon reach port. The only one who’s not ready is you, Chiharu.” “Uoh!? Really!?” Hearing Zonmi’s words, I spra
- 26 Chapter 1: To the land of the ghoul clan “Hey. My bad. I apologize. Cheer up.” Next morning. While we were eating breakfast at the hotel we’re lodging in, everyone on their own, I apologized with a serious tone about the thing yesterday. “… Really, have y
- 25 Prologue Have we been living at the Netherworld for around two weeks now? After being safely discharged from the hospital I was referred to by Lilith-san, I returned to my life without further issues. Once again, I’m surprised by the recent changes in my
- 24 Epilogue: Prediction of troubles After that. It’s been a week since that event. It seems that, after that battle ended, I was around three days out as if dead. For that reason, I’m being examined in detail at a hospital recommended by Lilith-san. Well, be
- 23 Chapter 6: The beginning of the end “By the way, oniichan, when will we go back?” Next morning. While we were having breakfast at the hotel, that question came from my sister’s lips. “… Well. Since it was written on the tour ticket sent by mom that it was
- 22 Chapter 5: Iriss circ.u.mstances 2nd day of living in the Netherworld. Though in the morning, same as the previous day, we played around at the demon-exclusive private beach, from afternoon on, we went sightseeing as we bought things for dinner. It stemme
- 21 Chapter 4: The price of survival We were safely rescued by the hotel’s personnel a while later. That the communication device Lilith-san had brought hadn’t broken with the impact of the fall was the silver lining on a dark cloud. Being around two hours la
- 20 Chapter 3: Lineage of the Maou We, having had a blast at the beach until it got dark, driven by Lilith-san, went by car to the lodging hotel. “Erm… There’s something that has been bugging me for a while.” “Yes, what is it?” “Aren’t there any other monster
- 19 Chapter 2: Welcome to the Netherworld! I opened my eyes, before me was a plain of sea… And so we return to the present. I tried asking Iris about the situation. It seems that, once we were swallowed by the mysterious giant fish, we were transported all th
- 18 Chapter 1: Events of a certain summer Having the long, long test period end, the students at Seiran Academy welcomed the summer holidays. High school soph.o.m.ores & summer holidays. Has there ever been another more exciting combination? My cla.s.smate Yo
- 17 Prologue Opening my eyes, before me was a plain of sea. The scent of tides. Wave after wave occurring repeatedly in the sea. Looking up, oddly muscular seagulls enjoyed their trip through the sky. Not bad. Though some abnormalities were presented, but whe
- 16 Epilogue: Wish to the night sky― Where is this place… Having exhausted my internal energy and becoming trashed, I fell into a pleasant slumber.“My… My wish is…”Beside me, the yukata-clad Kyouko from elementary school kept writing her wish on a tanzaku wit
- 15 Chapter 6: Captured "heroine" Running at full speed, I could see Kyouko’s apartment in less than five minutes. That’s really weird. If I’m not wrong, I think I was a distance of 2-3 kilometres[1] from my starting point, but… This watch, could it be brok
- 14 Chapter 5: On the night of the festival June 7th. At last, the day of the Saegusa festival has come. What will be the impact of yesterday’s sudden evening shower? Today’s temperature is 21ºC[1]. Under the shade to protect from the heat of the
- 13 Chapter 4: Recollections of a certain summer day That night, I had a dream. A dream that I was aware I was dreaming. I’ve heard of it on the TV or somewhere. I think they are called lucid dreams? People say that lucid dreams can be manipulated to attempt
- 12 Chapter 3: Honey Trap Since I don’t know from where to start, let’s go in order for the time being.Before my eyes there is a female pervert.How unexpected. It seems I was greatly mistaken. About the being called female pervert, until now. I believed they
- 11 Chapter 2 - Cooperative tactic!? Recently I feel like I’m losing my dignity as a man. Speaking frankly, I’m being made fun of. And that’s because. The pretty freeloader ghoul girl that came suddenly ― Zonmi R. McKenzie. The devil-like little sister that l
- 10 Chapter 1: Her decision Living under the same roof as girls is a situation any healthy male high school student would have longed for at least once. Let’s picture it: Carelessly opening the bathroom’s door one day and encountering a shower scene with a nu
- 9 Prologue In our town, Saegusa city, there is a large-scale festival held every year on the day of the Tanabata, the Saegusa festival. Though Ive said large-scale, I mean among us locals, not so large that becomes a national event... Still, if you came and
- 8 Epilogue - After this and that The duty of a student is not battling a mysterious organization. Of course, studies come first. After that. Two days have pa.s.sed since that incident. As Seiran Academy started its lessons once again, little by little we re
- 7 Chapter 6 - The time of the final battle After thirty minutes of flight, we managed to ascertain Iriss whereabouts. As aerial transportation had the advantage of not being caught up in hindrances such as traffic lights or congestions, our actual velocity
- 6 Chapter 5 - That resolution "Chiharu, are you OK!?" Five seconds before my bladder was seriously about to explode, Zonmi, Manami and Kyouko entered the room by smas.h.i.+ng the door open. Right now I dont care how they knew about this place. Goo
- 5 Chapter 4 - Dragon Blood The next day. We are visiting the shopping mall in front of the station. We are aiming for the famous underwear shop that carried everything from striped panties to string panties, "Jewelery Lingerie"... I sincerely wond
- 4 Chapter 3 - The a.s.signed mission The Ghoul that was suddenly delivered to my house — Zonmi Ra McKenzie. The one that suddenly confessed to being a Nephilim — Kurose Kyouko. Being currently trapped between the two of them, I was in a very dangerous posit
- 3 Chapter 2 - Make a contract with me! Afterwards. Information about the monsters had spread throughout the world like wildfire, even the news had been reporting about it nonstop. Simply that, these things had been repeating for countless times already in t
- 2 Chapter 1 - The beginning of the nightmare "h.e.l.lo, this is a delivery—" "Ah, it's finally here.", April 18th. The package was delivered to my very ordinary, wooden house. Suppressing my antic.i.p.ation, I went to the entrance hall to r
- 1 Prologue To: Kusumi Chiharu. Congratulations. You have been selected to be part of the seventh generation of monster tamers. Please choose one of the monsters from list below; you should remember that it will not only be your first partner, but will also