Our male and female lead are in the online entertainment circle, he on the dubbing side and she on the music cover side. The circle is one where physical appearance is generally anonymous and you are known by your online handle and your voice. Gu Sheng, a relatively unknown online singer who goes by the handle Sheng Sheng Man and who specializes in cover songs of ancient-style music, is a huge fan of Qiang Qing Ci, a very famous and well-loved CV (character voice) artist (i.e. dubber, voiceover artist). It was like, love at first listen.One morning, she was chatting with a friend in her online “room” when his voice suddenly appeared in her headset, describing to her in detail how to prepare a food dish she had been talking about. This began their online chats about food. Gu Sheng can scarcely believe that she is talking to her idol, and he seems to be trying to progress the relations.h.i.+p further.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
sh*t started good in the first 2 chapters of him having dreams and then realizing what it truly was and then what happened to set the stage. But then within 1 chapter it combined a sh*t load of overused cliches when he was choosing his character and classes that i had to drop in that chapter lmao
Why tf does this have a harem tag,i aint gonna poison this one ,ull go ahead
Even the fking system has a harem
Great ... POV era is over system era is over so now we have system's POV...
I'm back to test Elyon's Poison!! HAHAHA LET'S GO!!
Bro looks like Deku from... My Hero Academia????
This one is a masterpiece. The wrong kind of masterpiece. Poison yourself my fellow degens.
I'm reading the one with Optimus in it rn... lol that's honestly how I realized it was the same author
Lets go poison test squad, going in
Basically, it's Shadow Slave with a system, and don't get me wrong, in terms of quality, this one is not even close to SS, but you can see the effort Elyon put to take some elements from G3, in general it's readable, good for killing time.
Two new POV novels dropped on the website at the same time, what's next "The Reader's POV" (okay that's just omniscient reader) or POV You're the Novel.